Hanna Ambrose


Hanna is the founder of Inch Technologies. She is an experienced Human Resources professional, organisational development consultant, and facilitator. With a background of corporate senior roles including successful spells as HR Director, Head of Training, Head of Management Development, and other “people orientated positions” in organisations such as Going Places, Argos, and Harrods, Hanna brings a wealth of experience and impact to her work with clients.

Hanna believes that enabling people in this way is not a “soft option” for those that have the time and other resources to do so, but rather it is the most effective way of improving the performance of organisations so that they consistently deliver business objectives. Inspired people with a clear sense of what must be done can deliver extraordinary results.

Hanna’s role over the last 30 years has been developing People Business to play an advisory role in supporting organisations developing strategy and managing change. With an MBA and significant experience of the essential HR disciplines, Hanna achieves a healthy mix of innovation and pragmatism (with a little humour for good measure), and is always centred on delivering results.



Legal, regulatory and Governance


People management




Working with all industries has already allowed us to challenge some existing assumptions internally, right
from the first data collection.

Inch Technologies

Email: contactus@inchtechnologies.com


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